Hi Spiritual Being of Light,

Thank you for visiting at Journey To Spirituality blog. I was guided by Higher Self,  to start this blog to share my experiences and thoughts about spirituality focusing largely and twisting with shamanism, vibrational medicine, metaphysics and psychology. The more people are awakening now than ever. Big shift is ahead. I have been on my spiritual path over 10 years. Took my first steps to spirituality with Louise L. Hay, Dr. Wayne Dyer and Caroline Myss. Then continued with Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Mooji, Rumi, and Shunyamurti. Now I focus on channeled texts by non-physical beings.

Final wake-up call, re-birth and initiation to my spiritual awakening was in year 2013 when I was in situation with life-threatening illness. The dis-ease was given (in pre-birth plan) to me to learn my life-challenges like forgiveness, self-love, self-acceptance, self-transcendence and let go of fear, and to lead me on my spiritual path. I suffered before awakening from “soul-loss” due to loss of loved one and karmic marriage, which was karmic relationship to teach those my life-lessons. I have gone through huge transformation in my life from spiritual illness (soul-loss) to Soul Coaching. And from physical illness to Healer. My strong inner strength and wisdom have guided me (my Higher Self).

This all has lead to my Soul´s purpose after spiritual awakening – to help others on their healing path and in spiritual growth. I do this from my heart. ♡

What I have experienced during my life are among other things OOBE´s, sleep paralysis, hearing called by my name, doorbell ringing in the middle of might, faced my own demon, synchronicities like numbers 11:11, 12:12 & 21:21 constantly, wake up at 3:15am, astral travelling/waking encounters in energies, lucid dreams, parallel realm and seeing things. Spiritual awakening process might take from few months to few years. Spiritual journey is never ending.

Who am I? The eternal Soul that lives within. My Soul loves peace, harmony, silence, solitude, mountains, ocean, cliff, seashore and dolphins.

I am clairsentient and claircognizant since my childhood. Awakened. Omnist. 4D/5D, emphatic, old soul. My big interest is in soul, soul´s plan, awakening, awareness, consciousness, ascension and metaphysics. Powerful pull from childhood to shamanism and indigenous people (Native Americans, Aztecs).  I knew from my early childhood that I am different than others, now I understand why. I am guided by my Higher Self and Higher Realms.

In my recent past lives I have had abilities of shaman, healer, medium, spiritual teacher and true leader. Most of these I use now in this lifetime. Every Soul has unique skills, abilities and talents. Every Soul is equal, there are no higher or lower souls. We are all Light Beings and I AM Presence.

Soul maintains the same causal body from lifetime to lifetime.

My Soul´s archetypes:

  • Dharma type; the Educator
  • Spiritual Archetype; the Healer
  • Psychological Archetype; the Sage / the Magician
  • Spirit animal totem; Eagle

You don´t have a soul. You are a soul, you have body.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

I post once a month here about spirituality, awareness, spiritual healing or related to them.

If you need Soul Coaching or Spiritual Guidance, please, feel free to contact me with contact form or if you have any questions or thoughts you want to talk to. As a Coach I am emphatic, empowering and highly intuitive. More about my background.

Follow on Instagram @sarihelensoulpreneur. Subscribe monthly Newsletter here.

Much love.

Sari Helen | Soul Coaching, Spiritual Guidance, Counseling


Copyright© Sari Helen SOULPRENEUR. All rights reserved.


Key words: soul, coaching, guidance, counseling, spirituality, spiritual